Full Prothesis
What is Full Prothesis?
Full Prothesis can be attached and taken out and best used by patients when they have no tooth and reinforced fully from the roof of the mouth.
How do we use full prothesis?
Using Full Prothesis is not any different from using partial prothesis, however, patients needs to take out and clean after having meals, should not wear them during sleep and need to keep theö in a special box full of clean water or a special denture care soltion.
What are the disadvantages of using full prothesis?
Like all the movable prothesis, full prothesis adjustment process and care is harder than stable prothesis (bridges and implants). Additionally, in years ahead, full prothesis may start moving during meals and conversation. Since the full prothesis supported only by the roof of the mouth palatal region (the roof of the mouth) will be pulled out
Do you have any choices instead of using full prothesis?
Implant supported prothesis can be suggested
Partial Prothesis
What is partial prothesis?
Partial Prothesis are best for patients having a few tooth but not suitable for bridge or implant treatments. By the use of metal supporters , patients own teeth are used as an abutment to make the partial prothesis which they can easily attach or pull out..
How do I use the partial prothesis?
Using Partial Prothesis is not any different from using Full Prothesis, however, patients needs to take out and clean after having meals, should not wear them during sleep and need to keep them in a special box full of clean water or a special denture care soltion.
What are the disadvantages of using Partial Prothesis?
Like all Movable Prothesis (attach-pull-out type),it takes longer to get used to Partial Prothesis than Full-Prothesis and caring is harder than stable treatments like bridges and implants. Also, if metal supporters are placed in front teeths , un-aesthetic look may appear.
Do you have any choices instead of using Partial Prothesis?
Implant supported stable prothesis or sensitive joint Prothesis can be suggested
Sensitive Prothesis
What is Sensitive Prothesis?
Sensitive Prothesis are best for patients having a few tooth but not suitable for porclain bridge or implant treatments. By the use of patients own teeth’s hidden parts as cursors and varities of attachments, Sensitive Prothesis can easily be attached or pulled out..
How do I use the Sensitive Prothesis?
Using Sensitivel Prothesis is not any different from using Partial Prothesis, however, patients needs to take out and clean after having meals, should not wear them during sleep and need to keep them in a special box full of clean water or a special denture care soltion.
What are the advantages of Sensitive Prothesis?
Being apart of Partial Prothesis, Sensitive Prothesis dose not have any un-aesthetic look of metal parts and this actually makes whole alot of difference. Also, they are much better than partial prothesis which has their stabilities parted.
What are the disadvantages of Sensitive Prothesis?
Like all Movable Prothesis (attach-pull-out type),it takes longer to get used to Partial Prothesis than Full-Prothesis and caring is harder than stable treatments like bridges and implants. Also part of its sensitive connections may get loose in time and needs to be replaced.
Do you have any choices instead of using sensitive prothesis?
Implant supported prothesis can be an alternative to Sensitive Prothesis.