Before Starting Orthodontic Treatment

Be sure that the physician you choose is certainly an orthodontist. Nowadays, unfortunately, many dental practitioners introduce themselves as orthodontists by only having attended certificate programs of 3-4 days. You have to graduate from Faculty of Dentistry of 5 years and receive education on Orthodontics for 4 more years for orthodontic residency. Diploma in Orthodontics is given from Ministry of Health or universities. There must be the name of the university or the signature of Ministry of Health on your orthodontist’s diploma. If you would like to check if your physician is an orthodontist, you can learn it by writing your doctor’s name and surname on “search doctor” section in TOD (Turkish Orthodontic Society).

Be careful that it is your physician’s own consulting office. Orthodontists may visit several dental clinics, offices or dental hospitals several times in a month contractually. So, it is very important that you find an orthodontist that has his own dental office and whom you can reach easily rather than one who provides services in monthly periods off his office.

Orthodontists may frequently change in institutions such as dental hospitals. It is very important that you finish your treatment with the same orthodontist with whom you started in order for your orthodontic treatment to give good results. Your orthodontic treatment would not give good results if different orthodontists are examining you in each appointment.

You may request before and after photos of the former patients whom your orthodontist treated. Ask all the questions that you are curious about. Get informed without leaving any question marks in your mind about the treatment and the service that will be provided.

You can start searching prices of orthodontic treatment after you have done all the research. Prices of orthodontic treatments are expensive througout the world including Turkey. For this reason, you will see that the prices are in average after you have searched the prices of orthodontic treatments.